Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Me: Being Crafty

So, when I moved back home and unpacked my very small amount of clothes, I realized how many t-shirts I had from over the years. And then I realized that I never even wore 3/4 of them anymore.  Making a t-shirt quilt is something I've always wanted to do, so I decided to go for it. This was back in September, when I was still working days and had absolutely nothing to do with my free time.  And it did keep me occupied! But then I started working nights in October, and the free time I once had turned into sleeping. 

It also turned out being a lot more work than I thought it was going to be.  Thankfully, being the crafty, crafty person she is, my mom has helped me out A TON.  One thing that I've come to learn about myself is that I. Hate. Sewing.  Or at least sewing the material for this quilt.  I can be perfectionist when it comes to projects like this and it's incredibly frustrating when it doesn't work the way you want it to.  And I won't lie, the frustration may have also caused the nearly 3 month break.

But anyway, the project has resumed (once I realized that a quilt is probably best for the winter time) and the 4 rows below (that are separate in the picture) are now completely sewn together.  And I only slightly injured myself once. (Success!) I also realized that this thing is going to be HUGE when it's done (it still has 4 more rows to be added).  I'm really excited to finish it!

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